Tuesday, January 11, 2011

the first day

today is my first day of blogging and i must admit i am totally new to this. i am doing this for myself, not to provide inspiration for other people. it is part of self study, or Svadhyaya, which is part of Niyama, the second limb of yoga.

When i discovered what yoga really meant, all the eight limbs, i felt exhilirated because i sensed that it would finally be the path, some kind of guidance, as to how to try to live. i have this theory that life is nothing except  an awful amount  of time until you die, that it has no sense or meaning, but somehow you have to give it both and structure the time until its time to exit so you dont keel over of boredom.

i was brought up outside religion, spirituality, or any framework of ritual. i have never been taught to pray or convinced that god existed. it is still difficult for me to comprehend that there is a divine or what it is, let alone meditate on or unite with it, which are the 7th and 8th limbs of yoga. i am not that far yet and i dont know if i ever will be. but i am kind of curious to see what would happen if i ever did get there.

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